Sunday 26 July 2015

Just do it!

Look for images of 'Just do it' on the internet and look at all the variants of Nike's inspiring motto (I'm hoping that flattery and a positive tone in this article will avert breach of copyright action from Nike against me. And no, they're not sponsoring this - yet).

'Just do it' as a concept has become an inspiring personal motto. Any project you really want to get done you should make time for. For example, I have loads of things that get in the way of my writing - if I let them! Luckily, I am a morning person so I can write for an hour before duty calls. 

I read (devour) Writing magazine published by Warners Group Publications edited by Jonathan Telfer. One complaint that is considered regularly is about making time to write. Plenty of people are like me, ambitious to write, and have to make time.

Sometimes life really does take over. For example, it took me at least five years to write the 5000 words of Gross Teacherpox and illustrate it, but sometimes one has to be mature and honest enough to give one's time and energy to the young family and paying job but keep that dream of writing alive and ready to go at any opportunity. Life is too short not to!

Another time-thief is social media - spending time blogging instead of writing...

So in other words - Just do it!

Love from Andrew Ashcroft

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